Monday, April 04, 2005

Charity Knitting

I spent some time knitting for Children in Common yesterday. They support orphanages in Russia with supplies, and money and deliver hand knit items whenever they go on a trip. So I decided I'd be part of the current sock challenge to be completed at the end of the month (you can knit any time you want but doing a challenge is fun I think). I tried a pattern I got off the net for toddler socks and really didn't like the shaping on it so I'm going to try the pattern in the Knitter's Handy Book of Pattern's for the first time. I am using some Lion Brand Fisherman's wool that I not so successfully Kool Aid dyed. (it's not too bad for a first time) Children in Common requires that the items be made out of at least 50% wool and this is an inexpensive 100% wool yarn. I may also do a vest for the group but will most likely stick to the socks as I will be able to do more that way.

Thanks to knitnana and ruinwen for your comments on Aibhlinn. I am really enjoying making it and find that it is going very quickly. I've been putting a lot of time on it lately as well, I want to have it done for the end of this month if I can. I see this as a three season garment because of the yarn being used. I just wish it didn't corkscrew so much, I am always having to let the thing hang down to unwind.

Thanks to Tina for linking to me. I am trying to put together a good comprehensive list of knit blogs as I come across them. I may actually set up a webpage one of these days with reviews and links. But that's for the future. Lord know I have enough to do right now!

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