Monday, May 29, 2006

The Curse Of The Sock Returns

What is it about this sock of mine? I cannot seem to do anything right with it. After puzzling out the error I made turning the heel (worked on the wrong number of stitches), it looks like there now will be one fewer stitch than needed, I don't know why and I don't care at this point. I'm just going to do a make one and be done with it. Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with me on this thing, I've done 7 pairs of socks with no problems before this. *sigh* I will chalk it up to karma and move on.

DS has been in from school the last few days and goes back tomorrow. DH will take him to meet his train (they send staff up from school to ride with the kids they don't go alone ever) while I will go to work. I'm glad he's doing it, aside from the fact that DS seems to like it when DH takes him back for the return trip, I think I'd just lose it. He'll be up for a week at the end of June as well as 2 weeks or so at the end of August. In between times we visit him and talk daily on the phone. I know he's doing well at school and that this is the right place for him, but I miss him so much a times. He was so good this weekend it's hard to let him go again.

DD marched in our town and the town next over's Memorial Day Parade with the middle school marching band. Our school district takes in both towns so they do both parades each year. DS not being a fan of parades stayed home with DH, last year I did the same. It was nice to see her march and the kids did so well! Nothing like small town America I say. (there are only 7000 people in my town, our school district only has about 3500 kids K-12, that's less people than in my entire high school when I was a student)

Well, we're off to dinner with friends, wish me luck with the traffic.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Baby blanket dilemma

I started a baby blanket for my nephew a long while back. The baby is near to a year old now should I still send it to him if I make a push to finish it. I feel a little silly about it now. I made one for his sister and felt I had to make one for him, but just lost interest in it. It's a feather and fan pattern in blue. Rather pretty actually I just got bored with it. Opinions are wanted on this there's not too much of the blanket to be done.

The sock and scarf continue to move along nicely, but slowly. I haven't had much time to knit lately. Hope to get some solid time in today after I clean up the house. Still no ideas on what to do about DH's sweater. I'm thinking of writing to Sirdar and asking if there are any errata for the pattern. If I don't come to a solution soon I will bag this sweater and look for something else to make him with the yarn. It's a wonderful yarn and shouldn't just sit.

To my vast disappointment I found the envelope I put the stitch markers in for my tea swap pal on the table I packed the stuff into the box on. I feel bad that I didn't send them. Don't think I mentioned them in my note. I also realized I didn't make suggestions on what to do with the yarn as you are supposed to. But I figure that two skeins of Regia sock yarn make the use kind of obvious. Still haven't heard from her that she got it even though I know it was delivered. Maybe she's busy or just didn't like what I sent. I suppose I can give it a week or so till I ask about it from the people who run the swap. Nice to hear from my swap pal and excited to see what I get. I promise pictures as soon as it arrives.

One more round of doctor appointments next week. Another dentist visit, which I hope will be less painful than the last. I've been good about flossing and using the Listerine as directed so it should go better. Aside from the fact that it will have been only two weeks since my last visit rather than 5 years :). I'm also seeing the arthritis doctor. I cannot take the pain in my right shoulder any more. I can't reach with the arm as I am supposed to without pain, can't put it behind my back. I hope he can do something for me. It's been months with no improvement. I'll keep you all posted.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Doctor Day

A few days ago I posted about going to some doctor appointments. Today was day the day. The dentist was just awful. It's been about 4 years since I've gone so there's no one to blame but me. The cleaning actually hurt, and I have to go back for another one in two weeks because there was so much buildup. Two cavities as well. *sigh* The money aspect aside ( and we don't have dental insurance) this was a big wake up call. I will never, ever wait so long to go to the dentist. Every six months from now on I swear. The Pulmonary doctor my GP sent me to had a good report. He said my lung function test was good, but that I do still have to deal with my very mild asthma, and that the cough was most likely from that. So I now have an inhaler again (I used to have one but haven't used it in so long it got lost) and a prescription for Singuliar which will take care of my allergies as well. Next are a pair of appointments to deal with my arthritis. (do I or do I not sound like a little old lady down by the pool in Florida complaining about my aches and pains?)

DH asked if I actually read all the blogs on my list. The answer is sort of. Some I always read like Yarn Harlot, some I skim, some I skip from time to time. Thank God for Bloglines it's so much easier to keep up that way.

Got the last things I needed for my tea swap pal today. I'll be mailing it tomorrow assuming I can locate our ever disappearing packing tape. I sure hope she likes what I send. I'm throwing in some stitch markers I made as well. They are so easy to make and everyone can use them. I always like to throw in a few when I do a package like this. I also mailed off some squares for the Warming Grace challenge for blue squares yesterday. I love to do charity knitting, and if you don't already do some, I urge you to lend your talents to some worthy group. You'll get much more than you give I promise.

Thanks to Ruinwen and Dipsy D for their kind comments on the scarf. I'm using Noro Kureyon color 163. A gift from a Secret Pal a while back. I love the way the colors change and think the pattern really enhances it.

I Find This Truly Frightening

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Bill Gates

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Multidirectional scarf Posted by Picasa

The "Cursed Sock" in progress Posted by Picasa

All's Well That Ends Well

We had a beautiful day for our visit to DS. Sunshine and the home team won. We surprised DS with a visit from his best friend and his parents which totally delighted him. DS gave me two Mother's Day gifts he made himself. A Jewelry box and a mug he made in ceramics. They came out well, he's starting to be neater with his paints and using more colors. DH got a candlestick and a box that's shaped like a basketball. Unfortunately I went totally off my eating plan at the ball park. Well I'm picking myself off and starting over. Each day a new beginning I say.

Please notice that I've put a couple of new buttons up on the blog. One just for fun, two for some worthy charities I recommend to you. Warming Grace is right now looking for some blue squares for a blanket for a very sick boy, the squares are small and easy to work up please consider helping this child and making a square.

The sock is cursed. I dropped a stitch on Friday night that couldn't be picked up, went down too far and it was just hard to catch. I had to start from scratch again but no matter got tons done at the game and while I road in the car on the way down. As I have finally gotten DH to find the camera I will post a picture as pitiful as it is.

FP asked me what pattern I was using for DH's sweater, it's a Sirdar pattern from The Seascapes Book of Aran Classics, design H specifically. If anyone has worked this please let me know. I'd like to thank FP for her kind comments about me and DS.

Well off to use the camera!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

It has been raining here all day. I decided to engage in my second favorite activity (other than knitting) and bake some Oatmeal Bread. Just seemed to be the right thing to do on a rainy day. I don't use a bread machine but rather a standing mixer. I feel I have more flexibility with the dough this way. I love the way it makes the house smell. This is a nice moist slightly sweet bread that makes great peanut butter sandwiches. It's also great toasted. If you've never baked bread I recommend it highly, anyone can do it.

I am not sure what to do about DH's sweater. There seems to be an error in the pattern on the second row. The stitches as written are not matching up with the previous row at all. (in other words I'm not seeing purls where I expect knits and visa versa) I really want to make him a sweater and love the yarn. I am not sure what to do now at all. I suppose I will try to chart it again (I was not successful at it when I took a shot before) or play around with the instructions till I get it right. Or I can just find a pattern suitable for the yarn and try that.

I've picked out the yarn I'm sending to my tea swap partner now all I have to do is get the tea and treat to go with it. I had trouble finding the tea I wanted at the first place I looked so I'll have to try another market this weekend. I want to get this out of the house by the end of the week. I am so often just on deadline with stuff like this. This time I intend to be early!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This and That

We're going to see DS this weekend at school and brining along his best friend and parents as a surprise. We also hope to take in a Minor League baseball game if the rain holds off, so think good thoughts and hope that there's no rain for us. If we get rained out, we'll donate the tickets to my son's house at school for them to use at a later date. Not sure what we'll do as an alternative if it does rain but I'm hoping we won't need one. DS has been at school for about 16 months now. It's not easy to have him away but he is doing so well that it kind of helps ease it for me. We talk every night on the phone and see him a couple of times a month so it's not as bad as it might be. But I still wish we could send him to a school near home and have him with us all the time.

I've been living with an awful cough the last couple of weeks. Finally I'm doing something about it. My regular doctor is sending me to a Pulmonary doctor this week to get a lung function test. I think he's going to put me back on asthma medication which I hate. But if he says I need it I guess I've no choice. I'm also seeing the dentist for the first time in like 5 years. Can you tell I'm not fan of doctors?

Still working on the Lorna's Laces socks and the multidirectional scarf. I swear I will get photos up soon. DH put our camera away and I have no idea where it is. I keep forgetting to ask him to take it out for me.

Got my matches for Secrect Pal 8 and the Knitter's Tea swap. I'm already plotting what I'm going to send. The tea swap has to be out by June 1 so I will probably do that this week. For my other pal, well the less said the better I think :).

Friday, May 05, 2006

Secret Pal 8 Questionnaire.

Here's my questionnaire for Secret Pal 8. Hopefully my pal will find it useful!

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?

My favorite is wool or blends with mostly wool in them. I don't really mind acrylic but hate the plastic kind

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?

I have a needle case for the straights and no real storage for the circs I'm ashamed to say

3. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?

I've been knitting for about 40 years learned when I was in elementary school. I'd say I'm intermediate to advanced

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?

I have an Amazon wish list

5. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.)

I like spicy woody type scents best but also like light florals

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?

Yes I have a sweet tooth I love sour candies

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?

I don't spin but have always wanted to learn, I also work with beads

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)

I like classic rock, folk, jazz and some indy stuff. I can play mp3s.

9. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?

My favorite color is green, but I like all earth tones. I don't like pastels.

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?

I'm married with two kids a 15 year old boy, and a 12 year old girl. We have a guinea pig

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?

I love scarves, always wear hats and mittens in cold weather but no ponchos please

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?


13. What are you knitting right now?

a pair of Lorna's Laces socks, a multi directional scarf, and a baby blanket that never seems to end

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?

Yes I do.

15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?

No real preference between straight and circular, I prefer bamboo or wood unless it's Addi's

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?

I own a yarn winder but no swift

17. How did you learn to knit?

Combo of my mother and my brother's girlfriend showing me the stitches

18. How old is your oldest UFO?

8 months

19. What is your favorite holiday?


20. Is there anything that you collect?


21. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?

I don't subscribe to any magazines right now, nothing I'm all that desperate to get my hands on right now

22. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?

knitting socks on two circular needles

23. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?

Yes I'm a socknitter! I'm 8 1/2 around the ball of the foot and 9 inches in length, I wear a 6 1/2 shoe

24. When is your birthday? (mm/dd)


Well that's all about me, can't wait to find out who I'm spoiling this time!